DIY Chicken Toys to Keep Your Kids Active and Content

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Part 1: Easy and Fun Chicken Toys for Young Kids

Keeping chickens as pets can be a wonderful way to teach children about responsibility and animal care. It’s also an opportunity to engage them in creative activities by making DIY toys for their feathery friends. In this section, we will explore two easy and fun chicken toys that are perfect for young kids to make and enjoy.

  1. Chicken Treat Dispenser: Materials needed:
  • Empty plastic soda bottle
  • Scissors
  • Birdseed or chicken feed


  1. Start by cleaning and drying the empty plastic soda bottle.
  2. Using the scissors, carefully poke several small holes around the bottom half of the bottle.
  3. Fill the bottle with birdseed or chicken feed, leaving a few inches of empty space at the top.
  4. Screw the cap back on tightly.
  5. Show the kids how to hold the bottle, with the holes facing downward, and gently shake it to dispense the treats.
  6. Place the treat dispenser in the chicken coop or run and let the kids observe as the chickens peck at the holes to retrieve their tasty treats.
  7. Chicken Ping Pong Ball Game: Materials needed:
  • Ping pong balls
  • Cardboard box or small plastic storage container
  • Craft knife (for adult use only)
  • Duct tape
  • String or wire


  1. Cut several small holes in the sides of the cardboard box or plastic container using the craft knife. Ensure that the holes are just large enough for the ping pong balls to fit through.
  2. Use duct tape to reinforce the edges of the holes, making them smooth and safe for the chickens to interact with.
  3. Attach string or wire to the top of the box or container, creating a way to hang it securely within the coop or run.
  4. Place ping pong balls inside the box or container and hang it at chicken height.
  5. Encourage the kids to watch as the chickens peck at the balls, trying to get them through the holes. They will enjoy the challenge and exercise while playing this simple game.

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Part 2: Intermediate Level Toys for Older Kids and Teenagers

As children grow older, they may be eager to take on more complex DIY projects. In this section, we will explore two intermediate level chicken toys that are suitable for older kids and teenagers to create and engage with their feathered companions.

  1. Chicken Swing: Materials needed:
  • Wooden dowel or sturdy branch
  • Rope or chain
  • Drill
  • Screws or hooks
  • Sandpaper (optional)


  1. Select a wooden dowel or sturdy branch that is long enough to accommodate a chicken comfortably.
  2. Use sandpaper to smooth any rough edges or splinters, if necessary.
  3. Drill two small holes near each end of the dowel or branch.
  4. Attach screws or hooks to the holes, ensuring they are secure.
  5. Attach a length of rope or chain to each screw or hook, creating a way to hang the swing.
  6. Hang the chicken swing in the coop or run at an appropriate height for the chickens to access it easily.
  7. Encourage the kids to watch as the chickens perch and swing back and forth, enjoying their new playground.
  8. Chicken Piñata: Materials needed:
  • Biodegradable materials (e.g., paper bags, cardboard, or natural fibers)
  • Scissors
  • String or twine
  • Treats or scraps of fruits and vegetables


  1. Gather biodegradable materials such as paper bags, cardboard, or natural fibers like coconut coir.
  2. Cut the materials into small strips or shapes, making sure they are large enough to hold treats or scraps.
  3. Create a loop using string or twine and tie a knot at one end.
  4. Begin layering the materials around the loop, securing them with knots or additional string/twine.
  5. Fill the piñata with treats or scraps of fruits and vegetables.
  6. Tie the loose ends of the string or twine together, creating a way to hang the piñata.
  7. Hang the chicken piñata in the coop or run and watch as the chickens peck and scratch at it to release the treats hidden inside. It’s a great form of enrichment and entertainment for them.

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Part 3: Advanced Level Toys for Adults and Expert Crafters

For crafters who enjoy a challenge and have advanced skills, creating elaborate and interactive toys for chickens can be a rewarding endeavor. Let’s explore two advanced level chicken toys that will keep both the chickens and adults entertained.

  1. Chicken Obstacle Course: Materials needed:
  • PVC pipes or wooden boards
  • Connectors or screws
  • Chicken-safe obstacles (e.g., small ramps, tunnels, or hurdles)
  • Drill (if using wooden boards)
  • Sandpaper (if using wooden boards)
  • Measuring tape
  • Level (if using wooden boards)


  1. Plan and design a chicken obstacle course layout, considering the available space and the chickens’ abilities.
  2. If using PVC pipes, assemble them using connectors to create structures such as tunnels, hurdles, or ramps.
  3. If using wooden boards, measure and cut them to the desired lengths, ensuring they are sturdy and safe for the chickens to use.
  4. If using wooden boards, sand any rough edges or splinters.
  5. Attach the obstacles securely to the PVC pipes or wooden boards, ensuring they are stable and safe for the chickens to navigate.
  6. Set up the obstacle course in the chicken run or designated area, allowing the chickens to explore and complete the course at their own pace.
  7. Chicken Puzzle Feeder: Materials needed:
  • PVC pipes or wooden boards
  • Connectors or screws
  • Chicken-safe puzzle feeders or treat dispensers
  • Drill (if using wooden boards)
  • Sandpaper (if using wooden boards)


  1. Purchase or create chicken-safe puzzle feeders or treat dispensers that require the chickens to solve a puzzle to access their food.
  2. If using PVC pipes, assemble them using connectors to create a structure to hold the puzzle feeders or treat dispensers.
  3. If using wooden boards, measure and cut them to the desired lengths, ensuring they can securely hold the puzzle feeders or treat dispensers.
  4. If using wooden boards, sand any rough edges or splinters.
  5. Attach the puzzle feeders or treat dispensers to the PVC pipes or wooden boards, ensuring they are secure and accessible to the chickens.
  6. Set up the puzzle feeder structure in the chicken run or designated area, challenging the chickens to use their problem-solving skills to retrieve their treats or food.

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In conclusion, DIY chicken toys provide an excellent opportunity to engage children in creative and educational activities while keeping their feathered friends active and content. From easy treat dispensers and ping pong ball games for young kids to intermediate-level swings and piñatas for older kids and teenagers, and advanced obstacle courses and puzzle feeders for adults and expert crafters, there are toys suitable for all age groups. So, gather your materials, involve the children, and embark on an exciting journey to create interactive toys that will undoubtedly bring joy and enrichment to both the chickens and your family.

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From Scraps to Scratchers: DIY Chicken Toys

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Part 1: Introduction to DIY Chicken Toys

Level 1: The importance of providing toys for chickens

Chickens are intelligent creatures that benefit from mental and physical stimulation. Providing them with toys not only keeps them entertained but also prevents boredom and destructive behaviors. DIY chicken toys are not only cost-effective but also allow you to recycle and repurpose materials, making them an excellent choice for both your chickens and the environment.

Level 2: The benefits of DIY toys

Creating your own chicken toys allows you to customize them to suit your chickens’ preferences and needs. It also gives you the opportunity to bond with your feathered friends while being creative. DIY toys are often made from safe, non-toxic materials, ensuring the health and well-being of your flock. Additionally, by using scraps and repurposing items, you can reduce waste and save money.

Part 2: Simple DIY Chicken Toys

Level 1: Vegetable and Fruit Skewers

Chickens love to peck and explore new things. Create a simple toy by skewering vegetables or fruits on a strong, long stick. Use items like cucumbers, kale, broccoli, or even watermelon. Hang the skewer from the coop ceiling or attach it to a secure spot within their enclosure. Chickens will enjoy pecking at the treats, providing mental and physical stimulation while also enjoying a nutritious snack.

Level 2: Treat-filled Piñatas

Add a touch of excitement to your chickens’ lives with treat-filled piñatas. Take an empty toilet paper roll and fill it with healthy treats such as dried mealworms or seeds. Close off both ends of the roll with paper or cardboard and hang it from the coop ceiling using a string. Your chickens will have a blast pecking at the piñata to retrieve the tasty surprises inside. This toy can keep them entertained for hours while also encouraging natural foraging behaviors.

Part 3: Advanced DIY Chicken Toys

Level 1: Chicken Swing

A chicken swing is a fantastic addition to any coop or outdoor space. Using a sturdy branch or a wooden plank, attach two ropes to each end. Hang the swing from a tree branch or a secure spot within the coop. Chickens will enjoy perching and swinging, mimicking their natural roosting behavior. Watching them swing back and forth is not only entertaining but also provides physical exercise and helps develop balance.

Level 2: DIY Obstacle Course

Challenge your chickens’ agility and problem-solving skills with a DIY obstacle course. Gather materials such as wooden blocks, PVC pipes, and small logs. Create hurdles, tunnels, and platforms by arranging these items in various configurations. Place treats or their favorite food at different points of the course to encourage exploration and engagement. Your chickens will have a blast navigating the obstacles, all while exercising their bodies and minds.


DIY toys are a wonderful way to keep your feathered friends entertained, mentally stimulated, and physically active. From simple vegetable skewers and treat-filled piñatas to more advanced chicken swings and obstacle courses, there are endless possibilities to create engaging toys for your flock. By utilizing scraps and repurposing materials, you not only provide amusement for your chickens but also contribute to a sustainable and eco-friendly environment. So, gather your creativity and start crafting toys that will bring joy to your chickens’ lives!





Easy DIY Chicken Toys: Keeping Your Flock Entertained

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Part 1: Why Chicken Toys are Important for Your Flock’s Well-being

Level 1: The Benefits of Chicken Toys

Providing toys for your flock goes beyond mere entertainment. Chicken toys are essential for the well-being and happiness of your feathered friends. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Mental Stimulation: Chickens are intelligent creatures that need mental stimulation to prevent boredom and stress. Toys engage their curiosity and keep their minds active, preventing destructive behaviors like feather-pecking or aggression.
  2. Exercise and Physical Health: Certain toys encourage chickens to be more active, promoting exercise and overall physical health. Toys that involve pecking, climbing, or chasing help them stay fit and prevent obesity.

Level 2: The Risks of a Bored Chicken Flock

Without proper entertainment and stimulation, chickens can become bored and exhibit various negative behaviors. Some risks of a bored flock include:

  1. Feather-Pecking: Boredom can lead to feather-pecking, where chickens peck at each other’s feathers, causing injuries, stress, and feather loss.
  2. Aggression: Bored chickens may become aggressive towards each other, resulting in fights and injuries.
  3. Reduced Egg Production: Stress and boredom can impact egg production, leading to a decrease in the number of eggs laid by your flock.

Part 2: DIY Chicken Toys for Easy Entertainment

Level 1: Puzzle Feeders

Puzzle feeders are an excellent way to provide both mental stimulation and a food reward for your chickens. Here’s a simple DIY puzzle feeder:

  1. Take a plastic bottle and drill small holes in the sides or cut out larger openings.
  2. Fill the bottle with your chicken’s favorite treats or regular feed.
  3. Hang the bottle from a rope or attach it to the side of the coop or run.
  4. Chickens will peck, poke, and roll the bottle to get the treats to fall out of the holes, keeping them entertained and mentally engaged.

Level 2: Cabbage Piñata

A cabbage piñata is an enjoyable and nutritious toy that will keep your chickens entertained for hours:

  1. Take a whole cabbage and tie a sturdy rope or string around the stem.
  2. Hang the cabbage from a branch or coop ceiling at a height that allows chickens to easily reach it.
  3. Chickens will peck and pull at the cabbage, revealing tasty leaves inside. This not only provides entertainment but also adds nutrients to their diet.

Part 3: DIY Chicken Toys for Physical Exercise

Level 1: Chicken Swing

A chicken swing provides physical exercise and amusement for your flock. Here’s how to make a simple DIY chicken swing:

  1. Find a sturdy branch or dowel that is long enough to accommodate the size of your chickens.
  2. Drill two holes near each end of the branch.
  3. Attach ropes or chains to the holes and secure them firmly.
  4. Hang the swing in the coop or run, ensuring it is at an appropriate height for your chickens to comfortably perch and swing.

Level 2: Dust Bath Box

Dust baths are essential for chickens to keep their feathers clean and free from mites or lice. Creating a designated dust bath area with a DIY dust bath box will not only promote cleanliness but also provide entertainment:

  1. Choose a shallow, wide container such as a plastic storage bin or a wooden box.
  2. Fill the container with fine sand or a mixture of sand and diatomaceous earth.
  3. Place the dust bath box in an accessible area within the coop or run.
  4. Chickens will instinctively start using the dust bath, rolling and flapping in the sand, which helps them keep their feathers in good condition.

In conclusion, providing toys for your flock is a crucial aspect of keeping chickens happy and healthy. With the benefits of mental stimulation, exercise, and the prevention of negative behaviors, chicken toys play a significant role in the overall well-being of your feathered friends. Whether you opt for puzzle feeders, cabbage piñatas, swings, or dust bath boxes, these easy and DIY chicken toys will ensure hours of entertainment for your flock, leading to happier and more content chickens.

Feathered Fun: How to Create DIY Chicken Toys?

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Part 1: The Importance of Chicken Toys

Level 1: Introduction to Chicken Toys

Chickens are more than just farm animals; they are intelligent creatures that need mental and physical stimulation to thrive. Providing them with appropriate toys can prevent boredom, reduce stress, and promote healthy behavior. If you’re a chicken owner looking to add some feathered fun to your flock, why not create DIY chicken toys? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of chicken toys and provide you with some creative ideas to keep your chickens entertained and happy.

Level 2: Understanding the Benefits of Chicken Toys

Chicken toys offer numerous benefits to your flock. Firstly, they alleviate boredom. Chickens that have nothing to do tend to engage in destructive behaviors like feather pecking or aggressive pecking towards other chickens. By providing them with toys, you can redirect their energy towards more positive activities.

Secondly, toys promote exercise and physical activity. Chickens love to peck, scratch, and explore their surroundings. Toys that encourage these natural behaviors can help keep your chickens active and healthy. Additionally, stimulating toys can improve coordination and balance, leading to better overall physical fitness.

Part 2: Creating DIY Chicken Toys

Level 1: Simple and Engaging DIY Toys

Creating DIY toys for your chickens doesn’t have to be complicated. One easy and engaging toy idea is a hanging treat dispenser. Take a plastic container and puncture small holes into it. Fill the container with treats or grains, then hang it in your chicken coop or run. As the chickens peck at the container, the treats will gradually fall out, providing a rewarding and entertaining experience.

Another simple DIY toy is a cabbage tetherball. Take a head of cabbage and hang it from a string or rope in your chicken run. Chickens will enjoy pecking at the cabbage, which will swing and spin, providing an engaging and interactive experience. This toy not only entertains your flock but also provides them with a healthy snack.

Level 2: Interactive and Challenging DIY Toys

If you’re looking to challenge your chickens and stimulate their problem-solving skills, try creating a foraging box. Take a shallow wooden box or tray and fill it with straw, hay, or wood shavings. Hide small treats or mealworms throughout the material. Your chickens will have a blast scratching and digging through the box to find their rewards. This interactive toy engages their natural foraging instincts and keeps them mentally stimulated.

For a more advanced DIY toy, consider building a chicken swing. Using sturdy materials like a wooden plank and strong ropes, create a swing structure that is securely anchored. Hang the swing low enough for the chickens to access easily. Chickens will enjoy perching and swinging on the structure, which provides exercise, balance, and an entertaining experience. This toy requires a bit more effort but can become a favorite spot for your chickens to relax and play.

Part 3: Safety and Additional Tips

Level 1: Safety Considerations for Chicken Toys

While providing toys for your chickens is essential, ensuring their safety is equally important. Avoid using small parts or objects that chickens can swallow, as this can lead to choking or digestive issues. Additionally, choose materials that are non-toxic and durable, as chickens can be rough with their toys. Regularly inspect the toys for any signs of damage and replace or repair them as needed.

Level 2: Additional Tips for Chicken Enrichment

In addition to DIY toys, there are other ways to enrich your chickens’ environment. Provide ample space for your flock to roam and explore, both indoors and outdoors. Allow them access to natural elements like grass, dirt, and vegetation. Incorporate perches, branches, or platforms in their coop or run to encourage roosting and climbing. Introduce novel objects or obstacles, such as logs or tunnels, to keep their surroundings interesting and diverse.

Remember to rotate and introduce new toys periodically to prevent boredom. Chickens, like any other animals, appreciate variety and novelty. By continuously providing new and engaging experiences, you’ll keep your chickens happy, healthy, and entertained.


DIY chicken toys are a fantastic way to provide enrichment and entertainment for your flock. From simple treat dispensers and cabbage tetherballs to more challenging foraging boxes and swings, there are plenty of creative options. Remember to prioritize safety when selecting materials and regularly inspect the toys for any damage. By incorporating toys and other enrichment techniques, you’ll create a stimulating environment that promotes the well-being and happiness of your feathered friends.